Friday, October 29, 2010

So is Halloween the One day we Can actually Laugh at the things we are scared to Death of?

I loved 'tick-or-treating' when I was growing up.  I don't know who taught me this phrase but it was well used by all of the kids I knew, "Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat."  Okay so our generation was weird, I know.

This morning while driving home  it occurred to me that Halloween is a day to laugh at things we are scared of, (I know I'm a slow learner).  You probably already knew this fact.

Anyhow what were we afraid of when we were little?  All the scary people in the books and stories we grew up with:  Witches, devils, ghosts, and  gobblins.  Then we have to grow up and we realize that these things do not actually exist, (or do they)?  We have to live in the "real" world with all of the problems we face everyday.  Not on Halloween....... It's our day to be a little kid again, so dress up and just have fun.


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