Friday, October 22, 2010

Humor is Healing

First of all this is a rated "G" only site.  Good clean humor only.

Ever hear that "humor can be healing?"  I know it can.  Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.  If  any of you can relate to this please comment.  We would love to hear from you.  I suffer from terrible headaches.  I've been to several world renowned neurologists and they say, "Yep, you defintely have terrible headaches.  Here try this medicine or that medicine."  A few years ago I had a terrible reaction to the medicines and had to "wean" myself off of them.  I had read years ago about people finding great healing powers through laughter and so I went on You Tube and found this. 
"Who's on First"

It was just silly enough for me at the time that it worked!  I was able to go through a terrible time of detox and weaning.

Another You Tube clip that helped was:

The Terror of Tiny Town

We want to hear from you.  What humor helped you during a difficult time?

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